Life in Space

Have you ever wanted to see the stars up close? Have you ever wanted to feel weightless and be able to float in the air? If you answered yes to these questions, then you might be interested in a job as an astronaut. However, the job of being an astronaut is very hard. Not only being an astronaut is hard on their body, but they need to train a lot before going into space, and they have difficult jobs to do while they are in space.  

First, being in space is hard on the astronaut’s body. According to source #2,  “Astronaut’s other muscles and their bones also get weaker.”  On earth, we run around and exercise with gravity, which helps our muscles and bones grow strong. In space, there is no gravity,so astronauts have to exercise extra hard to keep their muscles and bones strong. If you see astronauts headed to space with a treadmill, now you know why.

Not only is it hard on the astronaut’s body, it is also hard on the astronaut’s family and himself. Astronauts have to train for hundreds of hours and study for years. Astronauts have to take scuba diving lessons so that they can feel what it feels like with no gravity in space. According to source #1, “the types of training astronauts do might include studying the stars and Earth.” I think that the astronaut’s family has hard times because the astronaut is always gone training.

Next, an astronaut has to learn and study about different jobs in space, so they are prepared. Astronauts have to learn how to fix things so that if anything happens while in space, the astronaut can fix it. Astronauts have to take specials classes to learn everything they need to know about becoming an astronaut and being in space. Source #1 says, “Astronauts have learn medical skills, so when they go into space they will know how to treat an astronaut that has a medical emergency and problem. There is lots more stuff that can happen to an astronaut’s body.” I think that studying about the different jobs in space in really helpful for astronauts in space because if anything happens they will know what to do.I also think that an astronaut is like a scientist who studies space.


Astronauts do not have it easy. As you have read,just going into space can harm an astronaut’s body. Even before they go into space, they have to train for hours to prepare. Once they are in space, they have difficult jobs to do. So the very next you look up at the stars and see a spacecraft going to space, you should remember that astronauts that worked for hundreds and thousand of hours might be in the spacecraft.

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  Source#1:What is an Astronaut by Talia yee                                                                  

 Source#2: Life in Space by Aaron Higgins

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