The Beautiful Blue Morpho Butterfly

I was a Blue Morpho Butterfly last year.The life cycle of a Blue Morpho Butterfly is: Hatches from a egg, forms into a caterpillar, wraps in a chrysalis, then forms into a butterfly.

The Blue Morpho Butterfly is classified in the Lepidoptera group and is an insect. The Blue Morpho Butterfly is a very special type of butterfly.

The color of the Blue Morpho Butterfly is blue, white and brown. The male’s wings are not really blue! When the sun reflects on the butterfly’s wings, it looks like light blue. It’s really a beautiful type of dark blue. The male morpho butterfly is more beautiful than the female because the male has dark blue wings and a more impressive body design. The female brown wings and an impressive body design but not as impressive as the male’s body design.

The pitcher plant is a plant, but it can eat insects! It catches prey by making nectar to attract insects into its unusual leaves. The pitcher plant can be many different colors. It usually is green and purple. The pitcher plant is an endangered plant.

The Rain forest has many endangered animals because people are cutting down the Rain forest.

This is a Blue Morpho Butterfly on a leaf in the Rain forest

This is a Blue Morpho Butterfly on a leaf in the Rain forest

                            What can you do to save the Rain forest?