A Book I Recommend

I recommend the book “Descendants.” Descendants is a very good book because it’s about 4 friends Mal: Maleficent’s daughter, Evie: evil queen’s daughter, Jay: Jafar’s son, and Carlos: Cruella De Vil’s son.  They go to Auradon from the Isle of the lost and figure out being evil is not as good as being good. I do not want to give away Malificent’s plan because you might want to read it. Here is a poem: The main character is Mal. I am rotten to the core she says to herself. Mal wants to prove to her mother she is evil, but she does not know why she can’t be a devil. Mal falls in love, but spell was tough. Mal says, it is so amazing to be nice.😆

This is in my laundry room, the book Descendants

This is in my laundry room, the book Descendants📖

What book are you reading? What book is your favorite?